As community leaders who are sensitive to the needs and social issues of Greater Montreal, the volunteers on the Social Development Investment Committee assess requests for financial assistance submitted by community agencies. These volunteers enrich discussions and make fund allocation recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Chairmanship of the Investment Committee

Jean-Marc Chouinard*

Strategic management consultant
Members of the Investment Committee
Vice-Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee

Julie Shugarman

Strategy consultant

Francis Alerte

Lawyer and Business Advisor, Lexpro Consultants

Sharon Bitensky

Senior Manager, Morris and Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation

Simon Gamache

Executive Director, Montréal Pride

Eric Kingsley

Youth educator, CISSS de la Montérégie-Est

Jean-François Marcil, CFA

Retired from Caisse de dépôt et de placement du Québec (CDPQ)

Kerlande Mibel

Founding President, International Black Economic Forum

Rita Tremblay

Retired from Government of Canada

*Member of the executive committee

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