August 8, 2024 •  By Cristina Roque
Event date: November 1, 2024
Les jeux de l'entraide

Registration deadline: September 20


Inspired by the popular Jeux du Commerce, Jeux de l’entraide, presented by the National Bank, are a friendly and fun competition in which a dozen companies will face off. The teams will have three weeks (from October 4 to October 25) to solve practical cases related to various issues faced by community agencies in the Centraide of Greater Montreal network. Three themes will be addressed: human resources, finance, and communications.

These games are a great way to raise awareness among young professionals about the important work done on the ground by community agencies and to show that there are many ways to give back to the community.

The teams that will be working on the various practical cases will be invited to present their results and solutions to a jury during the culmination of Jeux de l’entraide on November 1 at the National Bank.

Jeux de l’entraide is an initiative orchestrated by the Emerging Philanthropists , with the support of Centraide of Greater Montreal.

Why participate in the Jeux de l’entraide?

  • To learn more about the issues faced by community agencies;
  • To make a difference in your community by tackling stimulating challenges;
  • To enjoy moments of discussion and networking with other young professionals who wish to make Greater Montreal an inclusive society without poverty;
  • Because it is a unique opportunity to put your expertise, skills, and knowledge to work for a community cause;
  • And of course, to have fun while also having the chance to win exciting prizes!

Additional information


  • October 1st: Preparatory meeting with Centraide
  • October (date to be confirmed): Consultation with the assigned community agency
  • October 4 to 25: Team work on case resolution and report writing
  • October 25: Submission of reports
  • November 1: Jeux de l’entraide day (case presentations, networking, fun activities, etc.)

Target audience:

  • To teams of young professionals from the same work environment.

Registration fee:

  • Minimum $1,000 per team

National Bank of Canada

800 Saint-Jacques Street, Montreal, QC H3C 1A3
Subway: Bonaventure

To register a team or to support a participating team, click here!

For more information about the Jeux de l’entraide, contact us by email at

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