Avenues to
support and strengthen
skills and competencies

In spring 2022, Centraide of Greater Montreal asked the SHERPA University Institute (SHERPA UI) to conduct a research and consulting project on avenues for supporting and strengthening the capacities and skills of community agencies in the area of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

Icone Equité

Equity: When an environment provides fair access to resources and opportunities.

Icone Diversité

Diversity: When an environment values the contributions of people with different backgrounds and profiles.


Inclusion: When an environment encourages all types of individuals to participate.

SHERPA Webinar, February 21, 2024

Discover the results of this innovative research project in this webinar. Explore the key EDI competencies, approaches that support their implementation, and strategies to keep these skills going in the community sector over the long term.


Presenters and panelists

The presentation will be followed by a review of experiences in the field and a discussion with the panelists.

A vast consultation process

Without a doubt, the most important ideas in this report come from discussions with agency representatives who have generously shared their knowledge and experience. Overall, 140 people took part in an online consultation and 12 were invited to continue the discussion in a workshop setting.

“Asking for help at a resource is a courageous and significant act; we have a social responsibility to be welcoming, listening and supportive from the first moment people contact us. Families should feel welcome no matter their origin or status. Parents often tell us that our welcoming approach has made all the difference in their lives.”

“Dialogue with different communities could be better: talking with other agencies (in the areas of Indigenous, sexual, cultural, or body diversity issues) could be more of a priority. We are open and have a good approach; however, more dialogue could improve our services and let us reach out to more people.”

“EDI is already part of the values of the community and the mission of our agencies. In general, the community sector fosters the full inclusion and participation of marginalized, vulnerable and underprivileged populations. We therefore naturally adapt our practices so that they are as responsive and flexible as possible to expressed needs and realities.”

More about support to reinforce skills and leadership.

Download the summary report

Fill in the form below to access the exclusive report on this innovative project.

This includes a detailed presentation of the process, in-depth analyses of the issues, strategies that emerged during the consultation activities, as well as complementary tools and resources for individuals and groups who want to continue thinking about these issues.

With the collaboration of:

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