Emergency support for vulnerable people

In March 2020, the COVID-19 Emergency Fund was created to help community agencies implement exceptional measures to assist isolated and vulnerable people hit hard by the health crisis. The fund was made possible thanks to donations from businesses, organizations and unions, foundations, municipalities and boroughs, as well as community donors. 

The objective of the fund was to meet emergency food needs and strengthen listening, assistance, and referral services for vulnerable and isolated people.

Fortunately, Centraide’s strong community ties and in-depth knowledge of community agencies allowed for a quick assessment of these needs. From the first few weeks of lockdown, vulnerable people were given the help they needed.    

The $8 million invested allowed agencies to provide ongoing emergency support.

The numbers

families helped


meals provided


friendly calls or support meetings


people received emergency support


food baskets or meals delivered or given out


donations of equipment (computers, hygiene products, etc.)

COVID-19 Emergency Fund Report

Donors were generous and quickly responded to the call for the Emergency Fund. The rapid entry of donations allowed Centraide of Greater Montreal to disburse in the early days of the pandemic. Find out more by reading the Emergency Fund’s report.

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