Psychosocial, academic, and technological support for youth

The Youth Project was initiated in April 2020 in response to school closures, which increased risks for isolated and marginalized youth, particularly the risk of dropping out of school.

The project was made possible thanks to the financial support provided by the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation, the Marcelle and Jean Coutu Foundation, Eidos-Montréal and Square Enix Montréal.

The objective of the project was to slow the widening of the gap between youth from advantaged backgrounds and those from disadvantaged backgrounds with different learning conditions (workspace, computer equipment, supervision, encouragement, etc.).

Thanks to its network of agencies and its close ties with the school system and the Ministère de l’Éducation, Centraide of Greater Montreal was able to quickly assess the needs and provide appropriate support to agencies that reach youth in the region.

The $1.5 million invested enabled youth agencies to improve the services offered to vulnerable youth.

In numbers



youth reached


agencies supported


psychosocial support activities
to break social isolation


educational activities
to prevent school dropouts


technological support activities
(laptop loans, installation of computer rooms, etc.)

Immediate effects

Youth were able to feel safer and less isolated. They were also able to better manage emotions and conflicts.
Academic learning was easier, and families felt better equipped.

During the lockdown, Diapason-Jeunesse remained open, which helped me a lot. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone, like I wasn’t left by myself within four walls.”

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