Suicidal urges, learn to detect the warning signs

Mental Health
January 13, 2022 •  By Centraide
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Le suicide frSuicide hits the families, friends and colleagues of the victims hard. For many, after the stupefaction and the sorrow comes the incomprehension. The same question keeps coming up: Why didn’t I see this coming?

During the 32th National Suicide Prevention Week, Centraide of Greater Montreal wishes to relay the message of Suicide Action Montréal, a community agency supported by Centraide. You can learn how to identify the warning signs, listed below:

Demeaning words
  • Talking about suicide or wanting to “end it all”
  • Frequent self-criticism, low self-esteem, high susceptibility
  • Despair or loss of hope
  • Saying goodbye
The worrying signs
  • Withdrawal and abandonment of usual activities
  • Drafting final disposition documents, making donations, bequests
  • Have a strong interest in death
  • Researching methods or means of committing suicide
  • Risky behaviours
  • Behavioural changes
  • Physical changes
  • Sudden serenity and detachment

Or find on the site of Suicide Action Montréal a (non-exhaustive) list of risk factors, vulnerable populations and protective factors.

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