March 13, 2020 •  By Cristina Roque


Let’s spread support


Montreal, March 19, 2020 –The COVID-19 pandemic makes us all more vulnerable as we worry about the spread of the disease, work interruptions, financial insecurity, upheavals in our daily routines, and our loss of social life.

At Centraide of Greater Montreal, we are taking this unprecedented crisis very seriously. We are currently working with all our partners and taking concrete action to help vulnerable people, for whom the next few weeks will be particularly difficult.

Community agencies have always demonstrated a great ability to adapt to new realities and to the needs of the people they support. And this pandemic illustrates once again the tremendous dedication of community leaders who are paying attention and adjusting their services, which is no easy task! We will need your help to make sure no one falls through the cracks, and we’ll be in touch again soon with more details.

In the meantime, we invite everyone to think about those around us. For example, let’s make sure that the seniors we know don’t lack for anything, that people with mental health problems get extra reassurance, and that isolated people get the information and support they need.

Let’s keep showing our local love for everyone’s well-being. Here are 8 ideas we can all apply to care for our loved ones and our community as we continue to social distance.

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